Tuesday 29 October 2019

Azure Data Factory: Copy Data from SQL database to Dynamic365

The below article will provide you step by step instructions to load data from SQL database to dynamic CRM.

Step 1: Go to portal.azure.com
Step 2: Create a new resource and select data factory

Step 3: Press Create button
Step 4: Select name, resource group etc.

Step 5: Press Create button
Step 6: Once the data factory is created, click on it and press the "Author & Monitor" rectangle.
Step 7: It will open a new window for adf.azure.com

Step 8: Click on Create pipeline tab
Step 9: Drag Copy Data task to the right.

Step 10: The next step is to set Source and Sink. (Sink is destination)
Step 11: Select Source, and press the New button and select the Azure SQL database.

Step 12: Set the properties, In linked Service, Select New option and enter the server name, database, username and password and press create button.

Step 13: Go to Sink, and press the New button in the Sink Dataset and search for Dynanic365 database and select

Step 14: Edit Dataset and create new linked service

Step 15: Set Service URL, Username and password for dynamic 365. Test  your connection and press the create button.
Step 16: Select the entity named in the dropdown.
Step 17: Go to Pipeline, Select Copy data and press mapping options.
              Click the button Import schema, and check your mappings are as expected. If mapping is not loaded properly the specify manually destination columns.

Step 18: Click on Publish All.
Step 19: Press Debug and it will load the data to Dynamic 365

Now it will start loading the data, If the data and mappings are correct then you will see a success message otherwise you will get a failure message.

This is all about this article. I hope you will like it.

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