Saturday 19 December 2020

Add Project Code into Azure DevOps through Visual Studio and Command Line

There are a couple of ways to add a new project or existing project in the DevOps. Let’s take the example of an existing offline project and you want to check-in to DevOps.

Push the code through Visual Studio

Before that, you need a Repository in the DevOps. I hope you already have, If not, let’s first create the new Repo in the Azure DevOps 

Step 1: Go To Azure DevOps, create a new repository in your Project. If you don’t have any project in your DevOps then first create a new project. In my example, I already have a project, so I’m creating a brand new repository in this.

Step 2: Click on the new repository option and create a new repo.

Step 3: Specify the Repository name and press the create button and it will create a new repo.

Step 4: Click on the clone button and copy the URL.

The repository is ready and let’s learn how to push code in this repo through Visual Studio.

Step 5: Open your existing/newly created project in Visual Studio.
Step 6: Right-click on the solution file and click add the solution to source control.

Now you can see the lock symbol in the files. In Team Explorer, Branches, you can see it has created a new Master branch. If you don't see this option in the Visual Studio then you can choose the alternate option, push the code through the command line, mentioned below.

Step 7: Go to team explorer, Click on the Sync tab, and select the push Git Repo button.
Step 8: Enter the URL that we have copied above in the Clone option and press publish.

Now you can see the code in the master branch in Azure DevOps. If you are on the main branch then, you need to switch to the master branch in Azure DevOps.

Let's learn another way to push the code to Azure DevOps.

Push the code through the Command line

I have created a blank .Net Core project in my Visual Studio and created new blank Repo in Azure DevOps name SecondRepo. Now, will push that code through the command line.

Step 1 to Step 4 is the same.

Step 5: Go to your project location and open the command prompt.
Step 6: Create a Git repo on your machine to store your code by running the below command.

          git init

Step 7: Commit your code into the local git repository and run the below commands

        git add --all
        git commit -m "first commit through command line"

Step 8: Connect your local repo to the Git repo in Azure Repos using the command mentioned below and enter your repo URL.

Step 9: Push the code.

        git push origin master

Now, if you go to Azure DevOps, you can see all the code in the repository.

This is all about this article. I hope you like it.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Backup In Azure Cloud with Recovery Service Vault

Azure Backup

Azure backup is a service to provide a solution to backup your data and recover it from the Cloud.

What do you want to backup?

As shown in the above snapshot, you can backup Virtual machines, File Share, SQL Server, SAP Hana database running on Azure VMs.

In this article, we will pick a simple use case for backup of File Share. Let start with adding a Backup Service.

Step 1: Go to Create a Resource & select Backup and Site Recovery as shown in the snapshot below

Step 2: Click on the Create button as shown below.

Step 3: Create Recovery Services Vault, Create/Select the existing Resource Group. Enter the vault name and select the region and press the review + Create button.

Step 4: It will create a new vault for you. Now Go to a resource that you have just created and click the Backup button as shown below.

Step 5: We are going to create our first backup. You start your back up with a goal. Azure backup runs on both Azure resources or On-Premises resources. We will select Azure in the workload and Azure File Share as a backup. Click on the Backup button as shown below.

Step 6: There are a couple of things we need to do here. You need to select an Azure storage account where you have Azure files and you want to backup. If you don't have an Azure storage account then you first create the new storage account and then create a new File share and then place some files there.

Once your storage account is ready then you need to follow the below steps.
  • Chose the existing storage account, as I selected below "azstoragebackup" as shown below. I have only 1 file in the file share i.e. test_file.png
  • Click on the Add button, it will open the right panel.
  • Select the File share folder. I have selected backupFileShare
  • You need to create your new policy
  • You need to specify at what time you need a backup.

Step 7: Backup Policy
  • Specify the time and for how many days you need a backup.
  • I have selected 10 PM and for 5 days only.
  • Press the enable backup button.

Step 8: Go to Resource Services Vault --> Backup Items and you will find 1 item in Azure Storage backup.

When you click on the Count(1) then you can see your backup is created successfully 

Restore Backup

You can click backupfileshare Items for restoring the backup as shown above. 
You need to specify the storage account where you want your backup. Also, you need to specify the file for backup. Once your press the restore button it will automatically restore the backup in that folder.

As shown in the snapshot below. I have opened my restoreShareFile Storage and you can see the file there. It successfully restored the file from the Backup.

This is all about this article. I hope you like it.

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